Hundred Table Montessori colors

Hundred Table Montessori colors

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Hundreds table in Montessori colors, learning place values ​​made easy

Including storage boxes

For plus tasks, the numbers to be added are counted beforehand using dice and sticks, then laid out on the hundred board and then complete rows of 1-dice are replaced by 10-sticks.

For negative tasks, the number to be subtracted from is placed on the hundred table. The number to be deducted is then counted off and the sticks or dice are removed. If necessary, 10 sticks are exchanged for 1 dice.

To compare numbers, it is ideal to count the number to be compared beforehand with 1-dice and then to compare it with 10-sticks or 100-mark. It quickly becomes clear that 100 1-dice correspond to both 10 10-sticks and 1 hundred table.

Use, advantages, areas of application for this Montessori material:

    • Learning the sequence of numbers 1 to 100

    • Understanding the 10 system

    • Estimating quantities up to 100

    • Orientation in the number range up to 100

    • Getting to know the structure of numbers

    • Montessori material for children from 5 years

    • Made in Gemany

Scope of the Montessori free work material:
1 red hundreds board, printed with the numbers 1 - 100, plastic
1 red hundreds board, unprinted, plastic
10 ten
bars blue, plastic 100 units cube green, plastic
2 lidded boxes for storage, plastic

Instructions for the Montessori hundred table

Train number range 10 with transition and

steady amounts: Ten cubes are taken from the tin and either placed in a bowl or placed on the table. The adult or the child either reaches into the bowl or into the pile of cubes on the table and removes a few cubes without paying attention to the amount. These are now placed on the table and the child estimates how many dice are on display.

To the full tens:
ten cubes and a ten stick are taken from the tin.
The adult puts the ten stick on the table, underneath he puts some of the ones dice. Then it is handed over to the child, who now finds out by estimating or counting how many dice are already on the table and how many dice are still missing up to the full 10.

Calculate plus tasks (with and without exceeding tens):
For tasks without exceeding tens, exactly ten dice are used; for tasks that exceed tens, any number of dice are used.
Either concrete tasks are now calculated (e.g. 5 + 4 =) or any amount of the dice is picked up twice and placed on the table. The quantities that are now on display are named (e.g. there are three here and six there) and then added up. This is done either by pushing the two quantities together and then counting the cubes (the printed hundred board can serve as a check again) or the cubes of the two piles are placed one after the other on the printed hundred plate (ideally left in the box).

A similar procedure is used for tasks that exceed tens.
Exercise example: 4 + 9 =
When working on the table, both quantities are pushed together. The ones are counted, ten ones are always exchanged for a ten, ie 10 dice are exchanged here for a stick, there are now three dice left and a tens stick. Now first the ten stick, then the ones cubes, are placed on the plate. The result can now be read.

If you are working in the box, the four cubes are attached first and then the nine cubes are added one after the other. After six more dice have been added to the four existing ones, they are removed (because they are full of tens) and exchanged for a ten stick. Now the remaining cubes are put on, then the result can also be read here.

Calculating minus tasks (with and without falling below the tens):
Subtractions can also be carried out in two variants: either lying on the table (here the hundreds plate is used again only for checking) or in the box on the number plate.
Example exercise without falling below the tens: 9-4 =
For quantity 9, nine-unit cubes are laid out or placed on top. The amount is named again, as is the action that follows (minus four). Then four cubes are removed and the result can be read.

Sample problem with falling below tens: 12-7 =
A ten stick and two single dice are laid out or attached. The amount, as well as the following action (minus four), are named again. Minus one (the first cube is removed), minus two (the second cube is removed).
Since there are no more individual cubes to pull off, you can continue working in two variants (depending on the child's level of ability). Either it is said we don't have any more cubes, we have to swap, then the tens rod is removed and exchanged for ten cubes, from which the remaining five can now be deducted. Or the child pulls the remaining five right from the numeric bar from (minus three, minus four, ... minus seven - by the tens rod five remain one left, the rod is removed and replaced with five Einerwürfelchen The result can now be read...

Place values Open up and understand

Get to know important values ​​with the 3-step lesson:
(New) knowledge/learning content is conveyed in the 3 stages naming-recognizing-identifying.
For this purpose, a hundreds plate (the unprinted one), a ten stick and a ones cube are removed and laid out.

1st level - name (vocabulary formation):
The adult names the object and points to it:
This is the hundred, this is the tenth, This is the one - repeat if necessary

2nd level - recognize (passive vocabulary use):
the adult gives the terms, the child points to the correct object:
where are the tens ? please show me the one, please give me the hundred

3rd level - identify (active vocabulary use):

The adult points to an object, the child names it:

What is it? What is here? What is it called here?

If the child makes mistakes in level 2 or 3, ie shows the wrong object or giving it the wrong name, they simply switch back to the previous level without any special reference to the mistakes made.
Here the child must also be carefully observed and assessed. Does it make sense to postpone the performance to a later date? The child may simply not be able to concentrate well on this day, or they may not (yet) be interested in this material.


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