For toddlers
Montessori materials are not considered toys, they are educational materials that must be used with knowledge of the method. Some Montessori materials, according to Maria Montessori's strict requirement have sharp edges or are made of materials such as glass, which can be dangerous to children. For this reason, Montessori materials are only intended to be used under the supervision of trained adults who are knowledgeable about Montessori pedagogy. Kindergartens and schools that purchase this material must also be knowledgeable about these materials so that they are safe for children to use. By accepting our terms and conditions, and making the purchase, you declare that you are a knowledgeable user of the materials.

"Don't follow me, follow the child"
-Maria Montessori
Additional information
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- Terms and conditions
- Secure Payment
- About Us
- Delivery
1.- PURPOSE OF THE GENERAL CONDITIONS. By these General Conditions NOWAFOCUS ONEA SL undertakes to deliver to the CLIENT the products that he has requested through the website www.montessorivivo-europe.com in exchange for a specific price, within the peninsular territory.
2.-APPLICABLE LEGISLATION. These General Conditions are subject to the provisions of Law 7/1998 of April 13 on General Contracting Conditions, Law 26/1984, of July 19, General for the Defense of Consumers and Users, Royal Decree 1906 / 1999, of December 17,1999, which regulates Telephone or Electronic Contracting with general conditions, Law 7/1996, of January 15,on Retail Trade, Law 34/2002 of July11, Services of Information and Electronic Commerce and Law 23/2003, of July 10, on guarantees in the Sale of Consumer Goods.
3.- CONDITIONS OF ACCESS OF THE USER / CLIENT. The User of the website http://www.montessorivivo-europe.com will have the right to free and free access to the public information collected therein. The CLIENT before being able to make a purchase of any of the products offered in NOWAFOCUS ONEA SL will have to register their data for the formalization of the sale contract(name and surname or company name, CIF/ NIF, address, address, email address, phone-fax number). In order to place orders on the website, each client will provide NOWAFOCUS ONEA SL. voluntarily and under your responsibility your personal data. The CLIENT is responsible for the veracity of their data, committing not to enter false data and to proceed to modify them if necessary.NOWAFOCUS ON SL will offer its client a personal registration system through an access code and password to facilitate future purchase operations. The CLIENT undertakes to ensure the confidentiality of his access code and password.
4.-ALTERATION OF THE GENERAL CONDITIONS. NOWAFOCUS ONEA, SL reserves the right to modify these General Conditions at any time, without the need to previously notify the client. In anycase, the General Conditions that are exposed on the web at the time that the CLIENT acquires the corresponding products will be considered valid and applicable.
5.1) Delivery of the product; NOWAFOCUS ONEA undertakes to deliver the product in perfect condition to the address indicated by the CUSTOMER in the order form, which contains the particular conditions that are attached to these General Conditions. NOWAFOCUS ONEA SL will not be responsible for errors caused by delivery when the data entered by the CLIENT in the order form does not conform to reality or has been omitted.The delivery time will be 3-4 days on working days on the peninsula. In the event that the product is not in stock,NOWAFOCUS ONEA SL. will inform the CLIENT of the new term by email.
5.2)Responsibility of NOWAFOCUS ONEA S.L.-In no case will it be responsible in relation to: 5.2.1) Errors and delays caused by the CLIENT when entering the data in the order form or slowness or impossibility of receiving by recipients of the order confirmation or other anomaly due to the fact that there may be incidents in the Internet Network or causes force majeure. In anycase, NOWAFOCUS ONEA SL, undertakes to solve the problems that may arise and to offer the necessary support to the CLIENT to reach the fastest and most satisfactory solution to the incident.
5.2.2) Damages and errors caused by ineffective use of service and bad faith by the CLIENT.
5.2.3) Non-operability or electronic address problems provided by the CLIENT for order confirmation. 5.2.4) NOWAFOCUS ONEA SL. recognizes the CUSTOMER the right of revocation in the terms and deadlines recognized in Law 7/1996, of January 15, on the Regulation of Retail Trade, in this case NOWAFOCUS ONEA SL. will reimburse the CUSTOMER the amount paid to the account number indicated by the CUSTOMER. The CUSTOMER will have a period of 14 business days to exercise this right from the delivery of the product. In order to exercise this right, the CLIENT will contact NOWAFOCUS ONEA SL. via email: info to request the return under the terms provided. The CLIENT will be responsible for the direct costs of the return of the product as well as any damage produced in it as a result of its return. The product must be returned together with the original packaging.
5.2.5) Guarantees: NOWAFOCUS ONEA SL is obliged to deliver the product in perfect condition, being exempt from all responsibility in relation to possible breakages or damage to the product packages produced after delivery. In this case, the CLIENT expressly waives to claim any contractual or extra-contractual liability for possible damages. NOWAFOCUS ONEA, SL will respond in accordance with Law 23/20033, of July 10, on Guarantees in the Sale of Consumer Goods, of the conformity at the time of delivery of the product.The CUSTOMER before signing the delivery of the order will have to check that the product is delivered in perfect condition, if it gives the approval in the delivery of the product it will be presumed, by both parties,that the product is in accordance with the Present General Conditions.
5.2.6)Deadlines: NOWAFOCUS ONEA, SL will respond during a period of two years,counting from the delivery of the product, for any lack of conformity expressed at the time of delivery of the product, in relation to these General Conditions. In any case, the CLIENT has a term of two months to inform NOWAFOCUS ONEA SL of the lack of conformity of the product.
5.2.7) In the event of non-conformity of the product with these General Conditions,provided that the afore mentioned requirements are met, the CLIENT may:
-Demand the repair or replacement of the product, according to the rules established in Law 23/2003, of July 10,on Guarantees in the Sale of ConsumerGoods.
- Demand a price reduction or termination of the contract when, when the repair or replacement of the product is not possible.
In no case will the contract be terminated when the lack of conformity is minor.
6.1) Payment.- The Client agrees to pay in advance the amount of the requested product in the following amount and forms:
6.1.1) Amount.- The remuneration for the product requested by the CLIENT will be indicated on the web. The price of the products that appear on the web will be always with VAT included. Shipping costs must be added to this price. NOWAFOCUS ONEA, SL will not generate any profit for these rates and undertakes to communicate the global cost of the product together with the shipping costs before formalizing the purchase itself.
6.1.2) Forms of payment.- The CLIENT must pay the amount corresponding to the product purchased, through:
a) Prepayment: by bank transfer of the full amount in favor of a bank account owned by NOWAFOCUS ONEA, SL. indicated to the customer at the time of ordering. It is important that the CUSTOMER indicates,at the time of making payment, the order number to which it refers.
b)Paypal: the customer can make the payment through their Paypal account or register a new one if they do not have it at the time of ordering.
c) Debit /Credit card: The customer may make payment by debit / credit card.
7.1)LEGAL NOTICE AND PRIVACY POLICIES LEGAL REGULATIONS TO WHICH THIS WEBSITE IS WELCOMED Nowafocus Onea sl has adapted this website to the requirements of Regulation (EU)2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016regarding the protection of natural persons (RGPD), as well as Law 34/2002,of July 11, Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce(LSSICE or LSSI). OWNERSHIP Incompliance with article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, it is stated: Who is responsible for the processing of your data? Name: Nowafocus Onea sl Tax Identification Number (NIF): B64344401 Email address: mepaca1@hotmail.com Web: www.montessorivivo-europe.com BASIC INFORMATION ON DATA PROTECTION Purpose:The GDPR understands as personal data any information that serves to identify a natural person, so data related to schools, associations, centers dedicated to training or extracurricular activities, or any other entity that does dissemination through Montessorivivo-europe.com. If They are, on the other hand, the data that you have left us if you are a natural person, such as your email, oreven your name, telephone number or address (which you may have provided us to register and place an order, for example). All this personal data has been provided to us by yourself at some point in our relationship, when registering on our website or when registering for any of the services we offer through it, such as the newsletter. As you will have seen, the personal data that we request is the minimum necessary to be able to offer you our services.
1. WEB OR EMAIL CONTACTS For what purposes are we going to process your personal data? Answer your questions, request your requests.Manage the interested request, answer your request, or process your request. Information by electronic means, related to your request. Commercial prevent information by electronic means, provided there is express authorization. Perform analysis and improvements on the Web, on our products and services. Improve our business strategy. What is the legitimacy for the processing of your data? The acceptance and consent of the interested party: In those cases where to make a request it is necessary to fill in a form and click on the send button, the completion of it will necessarily imply that you have been informed and have expressly granted your consent to the content. of the clause attached to said form or acceptance of the privacy policy. Allour forms have the * symbol in the mandatory data. If you do not provide these fields, or do not mark the checkbox of acceptance of the privacy policy, the sending of the information will not be allowed. It normally has the following formula: "□ I am over 14years old and I have read and accepted the Privacy Policy."
2. NEWSLETTER CONTACTS What data do we collect through the newsletter? When you register for our services, you provide us with an email address to which we can send you our newsletter. We will only store your email in our database,and we will proceed to send you emails periodically, until you request the cancellation, or we stop sending emails. The receipt of this newsletter does not affect the provision of our services. You will always have the option to unsubscribe, in any communication. For what purposes are we going to process your personal data?Manage the requested service.Information by electronic means,related to your request. Commercial prevent information by electronic means,provided there is express authorization. What is the legitimacy of the processing of your data? The acceptance and consent of the interested party: In those cases where you subscribe, it will be necessary to accept a checkbox and click on the send button. This will necessarily imply that you have been informed and have expressly given your consent to receive the newsletter. If you do not check the privacy policy acceptance checkbox, the information will not be sent. Itusually has the following formula: "□ I'm over 14 years old and I have read and accepted the Privacy Policy.
3.CLIENTS For what purposes are we going to process your personal data? For communications between both parties. Information by electronic means, that relate to your request or are necessary to fulfill the services entrusted. Commercial or event information by electronic means,provided there is express authorization. Manage the administrative, communications and logistics services performed by the Responsible. Billing and declaration of timely taxes. Carry out the corresponding transactions.
4.Rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition: the CLIENT who enters their personal data in the registration form,will have the full right to exercise their rights of access, rectification,cancellation and opposition at any time by requesting it to mepaca1@hotmail.com NOWAFOCUS ONEA SL, reiterates that it undertakes to respect and absolute confidentiality in the collection and processing of the CLIENT's personal data, declaring its commitment not to transfer it to third parties in anycase without the prior consent of its owners.******** By means of this document, the contractual conditions for the sale of the products offered on the page www.montessorivivo-europe.com, owned by NOWAFOCUS ONE ASL, with registered office at Plaza Busquets, 3 1º2ª 08360 Canet de Mar (Barcelona) with NIF:B64344401. These General Conditions are displayed, in a visible place, on the website www.montessori vivo-europe.com with the intention of being read, printed, filed and accepted. These General Conditions together with their quest for the specific products made by the client imply the formalization of the contract of sale between NOWAFOCUS ONEA, SL and the CLIENT who claims to have read, understood and accepted them.
LIABILITY 8.1) NOWAFOCUS ONEA SL in no case will be responsible for:
-Errors and incidents that may occur in complete communications or transmissions so that it is not guaranteed that the web services are constantly operational.
- Of the production of any type of damage that the CLIENT or third parties may cause on the website.
8.2) NOWAFOCUS ONEA SL reserves the right to suspend access to the website without prior notice on a discretionary basis and on a definitive or temporary basis until effective responsibility for any damages that may occur is ensured. Likewise, NOWAFOCUSONEA SL, will collaborate and notify the competent authority of these incidents at the moment in which it becomes aware that the damages caused constitute any type of illegal activity.
9.- COPYRIGHT NOWAFOCUS ONEA SL informs that the website www.montessorivivo-europe.com, its own contents, the programming and the design of the website are protected by copyright, being expressly prohibited any reproduction, communication,distribution and transformation of the protected elements referred to without the express and written consent of NOWAFOCUS ONEA SL.
10.- APPLICABLE LAW AND COMPETENT JURISDICTION These General Conditions Are governed by Spanish legislation. To resolve any controversy or conflict arising from these General Conditions,NOWAFOCUS ONEA SL is subject to the criteria for determining competence established in the applicable legislation on consumers and users. In The event that any clause of these General Conditions is declared void.The other clauses will remain in force and will be interpreted taking into account the will of the parties and the purpose of these conditions. NOWAFOCUSONEA SL. You may not exercise any of the rights and powers conferred in this document, which will not imply in anycase the resignation of the same without the express recognition by NOWAFOCUS ONEA SL. DELIVERY OF ORDERS Orders will be sent by a contracted transport company to the delivery address indicated when placing the order. Shipping costs will be detailed.Shipping will be free for orders over 200 euros as long as the weight of the shipment does not exceed 40 kilos. In case of exceeding 40 kilos we will make the shared expenses based on the weight. The delivery time will be 3-4 days from the confirmation of payment.The tsransport service hours will be from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekdays. If at the time of delivery they were not at the indicated address, the carrier will leave a notice and will contact you to arrange a new delivery. PAYMENT METHODS The CUSTOMER will have to pay the amount corresponding to the product purchased through:
a) Prepayment: by cash deposit or bank transfer of the full amount in favor of the bank account holder of NOWAFOCUS ONEA SL. The shipment will not be made until the transfer has been verified. Yes Within 3calendar days there is no proof of payment, the order will be automatically canceled. If you want to expedite the order, you can send us a copy of the transfer made to our email.It is very important to indicate the order number and / or name of the person or entity to which it is invoiced in order to identify the payment.
b) Payment through Paypal: The Client can make the payment through their accountPaypal or register a new one if you do not have it at the time of ordering.
c) Payment by debit /credit card: The CLIENT may make the payment by credit / debit card admitted to be processed through a secure payment gateway. In no case NOWAFOCUS ONEA SL. will know or have access to the personal data of the CLIENT. - ×
- Terms and Conditions
- Secure Payment
- About Us
- Delivery
[With SSL] Wire transfer It is the safest method,since the buyer does not provide anytype of information to make thepurchase. In this case, MontessoriVivo-Europe provides the customer withtheir bank details to make thecorresponding payment via email afterplacing the order. The transfer must bemade effective within a maximum periodof 3 calendar days from the date ofpurchase. If for any reason, it is notcarried out after 3 days, we cannotguarantee the availability of theproducts. It is very important toindicate in the income the same namethat you have specified in the orderform, so we can easily identify theorigin of the amount. To expedite theshipment of your order, we recommendsending an email with proof of paymentto mepaca1@hotmail.com
[PayPal] This form of payment allows you to paywith a credit card, debit card or bankaccount in a secure way withoutproviding the card details. You justhave to register with Paypal for freeand have an email account. 3.5%surcharge of the total. - ×
- Terms and Conditions
- Secure Payment
- About Us
- Delivery
Our Montessorivivo-europe company was born with the aim of growing in Europe. After several years of operation, our intention is to continue offering more and better services, as well as continuing to search for higher quality teaching materials. Montessori Vivo was born with the aim of disseminating a series of little-known didactic materials that can contribute to a change in the educational paradigm, something increasingly necessary in today's society. We believe that another education is possible and we defend as the main premise the need and importance of promoting learning through the senses. Children are born with an extraordinary interest in learning, which becomes infinite if we let them observe, touch, smell, hear, taste, explore and experiment freely, in short, feel everything that surrounds them without being continuously directed by an adult. letting natural learning flow. Under this premise, Montessori Vivo-europe offers a wide variety of Montessori materials with the aim of reaching as many families as possible. In addition to helping children spend happy moments with our games, we also want to collaborate with the environment by using natural and durable materials. Wooden toys have been in great demand in recent years as they are a natural, versatile and robust material that stimulates creativity, motor skills and gives wings to symbolic play. We also want to guarantee that our products rigorously comply with the regulations in force in the European market since they are subjected to tests that exceed the international requirements demanded in terms of quality, toxicity of materials, breaks, stretching, sizes, etc. We started this project with great enthusiasm and with the intention of transmitting the love and respect we feel for child development. We have a lot to learn from our children. If we let them play and experiment freely they will surprise us with new learnings every day. Thanks for your visit Mercedes.
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- Terms and Conditions
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- Delivery
Delivery times: Usual transportation-time is between 3 – 4 days.Freight charges are not valid for delivery to theSpanish islands.
The 3-4 days are effective from the receipt of thepurchase amount in case of purchase by credit card,transfer or paypal.Shipments and returnsYour pack shipmentPackages are generally dispatched within 3-4 daysafter receipt of payment and are shipped via DHLwith tracking and drop-off without signature.Shipping fees include handling and packing fees aswell as postage costs. Handling fees are fixed,whereas transport fees vary according to total weightof the shipment. We advise you to group your itemsin one order. We cannot group two distinct ordersplaced separately, and shipping fees will apply toeach of them. Your package will be dispatched atyour own risk, but special care is taken to protectfragile objects.Boxes are amply sized and your items are well-protected.